
100,000 one years

A webmaster of a site with traffic less than 500 per day earned about 100,000 RMB yuan (RMByuan:US$~=8:1) in one year, which is net profit.

He provides service of downloading rings to mobile phone on his site. Following is his techonology, or you can say trick.

1. His business sense is great. At first he just wanted to buy a domain for his small business, and he accidently found a selling domain which is similar to a large site. Later, he bought dozens of domain names which are similiar to heavy traffic site or SP provides ring downloading services. So the visitors came to his site are usually meant to go to the similiar site and need the same serivce his site provided as well. He got the target vistor.

2. He bought the AD position in Baidu.com and google.com.

3. He bought tens of thoughsands of keywords AD position in Baidu.com. his number of keywords was even more than Ebay. So whether a user search "download ring " or "ring download", his site always came up at the begining of the search result.
BTW., he hired two part time workers who spent half month to enter the keywords in an excel file, so that the search engine can import.

He borrowed the traffic from similar domain, and created the traffic from search engine.
Today there's dicussion about fake comments in Blogcatalog, maybe his site can also be taken as fake site.

Finally, the word fake recall me a movie "FAKE" which I watched about 18 years ago, which is a romantic movie.